Have you measured how long does your battery last? It is definatelly hard to tell and it really depends on how often you use your mobile phone. However, there is a way to find out and track how long your battery is likely to last. You will no longer get up in the morning and come to find you had forgotten to charge your mobile phone's battery during the night. Nokia Battery - Monitor is now available to download from Ovi Store, so let's see what it is all about.

This little friend of ours has been invented by Nokia, in Finland. With Nokia Battery - Monitor, you will finally be able to track, in really plain terms, how long your mobile phone has left before it decides to call it a day and goes off.

Once you open Nokia Battery - Monitor, you will see three tabs at the top the page. There are estimates, statistics and info tabs.

Nokia Battery – Monitor Estimates

What estimates do is that they predict how many more days, hours or minutes you have left in your phone's battery. What's more Nokia Battery - Monitor will brake it down further into talk time, web browsing, active use or music playback. This means you will be able to see precisely how much longer you can liste to your music files or how many time you have left for a phone call before you eill have to hook it up to a charger again. Any of these estimates can be seen on your homescreen as a great live widget. Being able to have Nokia Battery – Monitor on your screen definitely makes easier for you to see it.

Nokia Battery – Monitor Statistics

As for Nokia Battery – Monitor statistics tab, it notices you how you use your mobile phone on a daily basis, meaning how much power is used in a week and there will be results, too, shown in percentages. This will tell you whether you spend too much time, and logically power, on sending SMS for example. Nokia Battery – Monitor turns to be a great way to trace your usage habits else.

Nokia Battery – Monitor Info

The Info tab show all the neccessary info on Nokia battery - monitor. These are app version number, overview and how to easily and simple install the app. Nokia also likes to see you involed in the proces of developing the app, and therefore offers you to send feedback. Frankly, if you come up with an idea on how to improve Nokia battery monitor, why not sent it and make it easier for everyone. Constructive ideas have never been rejected.

Good to know about Nokia Battery - Monitor

You should be aware that the accuracy of the application might vary a bit, which is of course expected to hear. This is due to the unpredictable discharge rate of batteries in general. Anyway, try downloding Nokia Battery - Monitor from the Ovi store and see it for yourself.